Bring the ZOO

Call or text now!
We are happy to take animal requests but we never make guarantees

Terms for your WILD TIME party
If there will be a bounce house, please deflate it while we're there or keep us far away to prevent scaring our animal ambassadors.
Travel fee/deposit of $1/mile after the first 10 miles must be cleared 48 hours before the time we leave for your event.
We love for parents to be there and interact too! If parents don't want to interact, and instead socialize, please do so in a separate room/area so we can get the most out of our short time there!
A close parking spot is always helpful for unloading and loading the animals especially in the extreme heat/cold.
A huge part of our show is the surprise element. We ask that you keep the kids away while we're unloading animals and provide a small area to place the "on deck" animals so the kids do not see the animals we have brought before we even begin!
Please keep drinks/food to before and after the animal presentation. Some of the animals might want a snack otherwise!
These are wild animals that have been trained to be around large audiences in many different situations. However, for the safety of our animals and your children, adult supervision is absolutely required. We can not perform our show with a unruly audience so we will pause, if necessary, until order is resumed for the safety and happiness of our animals.
In the interest of our handlers and animals, shows held outside in extreme temperatures (under 65°F or over 80°F) must be held in the shade and, if at all possible, inside with air conditioning. Some of our animals are not tolerable to extreme heat so we may have to leave them at home even if they were a requested animal. For shows, we must be inside if there is rain. Please let us know if the event will be held outside so that we may prepare.
The pool must be "closed down" while we're there.
Anyone looking to interact with the animals MUST be wearing a shirt.
To avoid stepping on finger or toes, if seated on the ground please see guests are set in rows so the handler may walk through with each animal.
The request of a snake/tarantula free party could make our mammals have to work harder and it prohibits us from doing our main goal: educating the public on all species of animals not just the cute ones. If you would like to request a snake/ tarantula free party it is an additional $75 fee.
*Please keep in mind, not adhering to these terms could potentially affect the quality and hands-on aspect of your show. Our animal's health, happiness and safety is always our top priority.*